Classes Overview
We provide you a step by step guidance to the progressive mind body exercises. You will find inspiration and discover the tantra levers which can transform your everyday moment into one of transcendence. When you spend only a few minutes each day on these exercises you will build a solid experience of psycho-physiological techniques that promote better health and greater control over your personal destiny. At the same time you will be laying a solid foundation for an enriched inner life and ultimate enlightment.
It is a 12 week practice schedule to be done on self-basis (given in a workshop) along with practicing at the Gems of Yoga center.
Classes Lesson
Chakra Yoga is also called Laya Yoga. Chanting according to the neutral, up and down notes matters.
We practice Advanced Savasana and various marma points relaxation. We learn the yoni Mudra.
FROM 11th to 20th OF THE MONTH
We practice Polarisation and external chakra dharana and focus on chakra tattwa yantras.
We practice Internal Chakra Dharana and Pranic Rejuvenation. We then practice Solar Plexus Charging Kriya called Tummo.
What You Get From This Classes
Please note that there are 4 brain wave patterns. Beta waves at awake level are 14 cycles/second.
Alpha waves are produced in relaxed wakefulness and are 8 cycles/13 seconds. Theta waves are emitted in Dream state (REM) and it is 7 cycles/4 seconds. Delta waves are emitted in dreamless sleep at 3 cycle/second. In meditation the mind switches to more theta waves and altered states of consciousness. The Yoga Nidra takes you to floating in and out experience.
You can use these techniques for burn out, mild to moderate depression, insomnia, general anxiety and panic attacks, reduction of mild to moderate hypertension. It rejuvenates the nervous system and sharpens the sensory perception. It develops our psychic potential: telepathy, clairvoyance, psychometry. We enter into states of ecstasy,realization and cosmic consciousness. We unleash supernatural powers such as photographic memory, self anaesthesia and mental calculations. We stimulate latent memory tracts of the subconscious and recall the forgotten material. We experience sex for consciousness expansion and we become a positive thinker.